The Path Not Taken |
Shipset Download
The Path Not Taken shipset version 1.3, the final version barring disaster, has been completed and released.
For modem users or people with less-reliable connections, I have also split the shipset into eleven files, each one less than 1.4 mb in size. The included EXE file will combine these 11 part-files into the shipset for you.
Installation Instructions:
Place all 11 zip files in the same directory. Unzip the contents of "Path1_3_INSTALLER.zip" into this directory, and run the file "Create_Path1_3.exe". That will combine all the part
files into the shipset for you.
This latest version makes several important corrections to the Union campaign:
- Two redundant OPTs have been removed from the shipset file, reducing
the shipset's file size by about 600 kb. The two redundant OPTs
were the T-Wing and R-41; why I included them in the shipset at all,
I can't fathom.
- Union Mission 11: friendly heavy lifter will now arrive when
E-Wing is disabled.
- Union Mission 12: the unreasonably extreme distances the player
is forced to cover have been shortened considerably.
- Union Mission 13: timing errors with in-flight messages have
been corrected.
- Union Mission 17: timing errors with in-flight messages have
been corrected.
- Union Mission 21: the failed debreifing text for a previous
mission was actually copied-and-pasted in front of mission 21's
text briefing. This has been corrected. God knows how I missed
this the first time around...
- Minor spelling and grammatic corrections to the Union Campaign
- Coalition Mission 25: failure of an enemy flight group to arrive made the mission unbeatable; this was corrected in version 1.2.
Shipset Launcher Download
Also, to use this shipset, you must have a copy of Connor's incredible Shipset Launcher, which will automatically install the shipset into XvT, and then clean it away when you're through playing it.